Oh, how I have struggled with the concept of Hell. Just like MANY Christians. So many "exceptions" that are found nowhere in scripture. Like the "age of accountability." Like "it's just separation from God, not a physical burning." "It's a state of non-existence." It's...it's...it's...
Let's just call it what present Christian theology calls it: a place of perpetual fire where we, as human beings and God's creations, will exist for ever and ever being tormented by a non-consuming fire, our flesh being seared and, yet, we never die. Can anything be more horrorific? And this, from a God who is the epitome of LOVE!
We sing about God's mercy "endureth for EVER." Only for some, it would appear.
Isn't it interesting that, of the 50 some times "hell" is mentioned in the KJV Old Testament, every one is translated from either Gehenna, Sheol, or Hades. NONE of those words in their original usage meant anything anywhere CLOSE to how Dante describes his Inferno...which is the current Christian "hell."
Why does Paul NEVER mention such a place?
Why did the early church not have such teachings? Why were those who taught that ALL men would be saved (I Timothy 4:10) NOT labeled as heretics until after Constantine married the church to the world?
Why do the Angels claim the "Good News" is for ALL PEOPLE when, for the vast majority of God's creation, it is not good at all?
How can Paul claim that, "...as in Adam, ALL are condemned, so in Christ, ALL shall be made alive..." if 90% of God's Creation are NOT in Christ and will be alive only in a burning inferno of unspeakable horrors?
How can "...at the name of Jesus, EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord..." if 90% of "every" is screaming in unspeakable pain and agony. Will God then FORCE that kneeling and FORCE that confession? What happens to our "choice" then? And, what kind of glory does that kind of confession bring to a loving, merciful, and just God? Does LOVE really win only 10% of the time?
If Jesus came to save the WORLD (John 3:17) and only gets about 10%, in whose playbook is that "mission accomplished?"
What did Jesus mean when He said "...lift me up and I will draw (literally "drag") ALL men unto myself."??
Does ALL mean ALL?
Is God really ALL in ALL as the Bible states? Or, is the bible wrong and he is just ALL in SOME, or SOME In ALL, or SOME in SOME, or.....
Does ALL mean ALL when the bible talks about the "... reconciliation of ALL things..." so many times in the Old Testament?
Is the next age really just the vast majority of God's creation suffering uspeakable agonies while a few of us lavishly lounge around with lambs and lions in pretty green pastures praising God all day?
How will every tear be wiped away as scripturally promised? With the knowledge of people I know and LOVE experiencing horrific pain and suffering that goes on for ever and ever? As one friend said to me, we will have no memory of this past existence. Really?? Well, that would be the ONLY way Jesus could wipe my tears. Oh, and doesn't THAT really bring Glory to God. (Sarcasm!)
Why are Christians, the one appointed to bring the good news to a troubled world no different than the world they are there to serve? They are, at the least, AS defeated, pathetic, hateful, mean, judgmental as the rest of the world. Exceptions? Absolutely! Just as there are exceptions in the world. Where is the power promised to Christians? Why is it not being displayed?
Well, my rant shall continue. And, along with my rants, politely called "ponderings" by my delightful web-site designer, will be what have been wonderful, lifegiving, energizing ANSWERS as well. Answers that prove God's love DOES win! Answers that show that God IS willing and IS able and DOES save His entire creation (the cross of Jesus IS greater than the 10% the church currently teaches!) and the reconciliation mentioned so blatantly in scripture actually IS accomplished. God is SO much greater and SO much more loving than our "...traditions that make null and void the Word of God..." would lead us to believe.
Stick around if you dare. It's gonna be a FUN RIDE!!
About a year ago, I was introduced to an incredible young man who, despite our differences in ages, has become quite a mentor and friend. I don't think my "blood" son would be disappointed if I said CJ has become very much la son. I was so honored when a mutual friend of ours told me that CJ thought of Elaine and me as his second "parents."
Shortly after we met, we were talking about our mutual faith in the living Jesus Christ and what that meant in our lives. The conversation got around to my departed Dad who had passed without my knowing his "eternal destiny." He was a "good guy," but, as we have all been taught, that won't "...gitcha inta heaven." In the then two years since losing Dad, I had really struggled with this.
As tears welled up in my eyes, CJ put his arm around me and assured me that my Dad was fine. He said Hell was a Christian myth and tradition and teaching that has caused nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I looked at him and said, "Oh, CJ, how I hope and pray you are right. I don't think you ARE...that flies directly in the face of everything I have been taught for over 40 years and what has been a tenant of the Christian Faith for its entire existence." (Or, so I thought.)
He asked if I was willing to research it for myself. I considered the Bereans:
Act 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Most of whom I have shared these concepts have rejected them out of hand without even a smidgen of consideration. I have been labeled a heretic to be avoid at all costs. All I know is the incredible changes that have taken place in my life as the scriptures began to be opened to me by, I believe, the Holy Spirit. How could the church have it wrong all these years? Yes, I asked that. All the learned leaders in the Christian church and in our seminaries? Wrong? Yes, I asked that, as well.
I'm searching. I'm finding my answers. I would so encourage you to do the same. At the very least your research will CONFIRM what you already believe resulting in increased confidence in your witness.
Welcome aboard??
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
To Hell, or Not To Hell?
9:06 AM
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